Keeping Your Pet Healthy in the New Year

Every year, I compile a list of New Year’s Day resolutions. Typically, the same items top my list each year. For instance, I always desire to lose weight and spend more time with my family members. Perhaps, you want to get healthier in the New Year. You may also wish for your beloved pet to enjoy better health this year. To help you accomplish this important task, schedule regular appointments for your pet with his or her veterinarian. A veterinarian can inform you of any health problems your pet may be experiencing. On this blog, I hope you will discover the importance of taking your pet to annual veterinarian appointments. Enjoy!

Pet in Pain? Two Tips to Help You Get Affordable Veterinary Care


Watching your pet writhe in pain can be one of the most hurtful things in the world.  You may be used to them running around and playing vigorously, only to watch them slowly start to become more lethargic and even begin to skip meals.  When this happens, you know you need to get your animal to a veterinary professional as soon as possible.  However, as much as you want to get medical care for your pet, funds may be tight.  Use this information to learn more about what you can do to get budget-friendly veterinary care for your pet right away. 

The Local Humane Society May Be Able to Help

The first thing you should do when you need to get affordable veterinary assistance for your furry friend is visit a local humane society.  Although you might associate these facilities with pairing rescue animals and those looking to adopt, they often do so much more.

Understand that some of the animals that arrive at rescue centers are badly in need of medical care.  They may have been neglected for a long period of time or even been living alone in nature.  When they are picked up by humane society workers, they are usually sent to the on-site veterinary professional immediately so that they can be evaluated before being placed up for adoption.

These same veterinarians also treat the pets of public clients.  They can perform routine tasks like spaying and neutering, as well as serve as an affordable source of medical care when your pet has an emergency of some kind.  These professionals are gentle and caring and can be a godsend when you want to get medical treatment for your animal that won't break the bank.

Seek Out a Pro Bono Veterinarian

The next thing you should do when you need to get your animal to a veterinarian is seek out pro bono pet care.  Pro bono veterinarians administer a wide variety of services to their clients that are completely free of charge.

Pro bono veterinarians are often pet lovers who don't want to see any animal in pain.  They're willing to sacrifice their time and labor to ensure that your animal gets the care they deserve.

Finding affordable veterinary care doesn't have to be out of reach if you just know what to do.  The next time your pet needs to see a veterinarian, remember this advice, and ask hospitals like the Metzger Animal Hospital about other tips so you can get your pet treated.


14 February 2017