Services Of Animal Hospitals


An animal hospital is a facility to help the health of your pets and is staffed by veterinarians, vet techs, and other trained personnel. Common pets such as cats and dogs are accepted at animal hospitals, but for rarer pets such as reptiles or uncommon mammals (like hedgehogs), they may or may not be accepted depending on the experience level of the vets present. Similarly, animal hospitals may or may not accept injured wildlife (such as raccoons or birds), depending on the skills and policies of the doctors in charge.

10 February 2017

4 Reasons To Spay Or Neuter Your Dog


Spaying and neutering are one of those things that are suggested to every new dog owner. However, it is not required and usually depends on your lifestyle when it comes to figuring out whether or not it's something you should go through with. Here are four reasons to consider it: You Want Your Dog to Socialize: If you want your dog to socialize with other dogs, you should have them spayed or neutered.

8 February 2017

Tips For Boarding An Arthritic Dog


Having to leave your older dog behind when you go on a trip can be stressful, especially if they are suffering from arthritis and joint pain. You want to ensure they get the companionship and exercise they need, while working to minimize their pain during your absence. Boarding is often the best option, since your dog will have round the clock supervision and care. The following tips can help you make the best boarding decisions for your arthritic pet.

7 February 2017

3 Tips For Helping Your Dog Recover After They Have Been Neutered


After your dog has been neutered, it is crucial that you take good care of him. Making sure that he is well cared for at this time can make all of the difference in the world in terms of his recovery. There are certain things that you can do to help keep your dog safe and happy during their recovery. This article is going to discuss 3 tips for helping your dog recover after they have been neutered.

18 January 2017

Toy Story: How to Select Safer Playthings for Your Pooch


Playtime activity keeps dogs occupied and happy. Fetching a ball enhances the bond that a dog shares with their owners, and gnawing away on a chew toy while the humans are away on a grocery-shopping expedition keeps them focused and out of mischief. While toys fill an essential role in playtime, it is important to provide your pooch with playthings that are safe by following some simple guidelines. Distinguish Chewable from Edible

12 January 2017

Fecal Incontinence In Housebroken Dogs: 4 Reasons Why Fido Started Pooping In The House Again


Training a new puppy to use the potty outdoors is quite the challenge. It's an exhausting process that's fraught with emotion and a good bit of carpet cleaner. But you knew what you were getting into with a new puppy. You knew it was going to take days and months to break your new pet from going indoors, so you couldn't really complain. Now, however, years have passed and your adult dog has taken to pooping in the house even though they have been going to the bathroom outdoors for years.

11 January 2017

Feline Upper Respiratory Infections: A Guide For Cat Owners


Is your cat sneezing or coughing with mucous discharge around his nose? He probably has an upper respiratory tract infection. Upper respiratory infections can be minor or serious, depending on the viral or bacterial species that's causing the infection. Here's what you need to know. What causes feline upper respiratory infections? Feline upper respiratory infections are sometimes caused by viruses such as: Feline herpes virus: This contagious virus remains in your cat's system once he is infected.

10 January 2017